Worship at St. John’s

Service Times
11:00 am: Holy Communion with music and choir

(Sunday School begins at 10:45)

Childcare is provided in the Parish Hall
during our 11:00 service

What are the services at St. John’s like?

All of our services center on the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion, Eucharist, Mass).

For those from a Roman Catholic background, the liturgical service will be very familiar.  For example, the priest wears vestments, the choir and acolytes wear robes; sometimes we use incense and ring bells; some people make the sign of the cross; we sing parts of the service together.

For those from a Protestant (Reformed) tradition, readings from the Bible, the rousing music and thought-provoking sermons/homilies will be familiar.

For those from no previous religious background, the relaxed atmosphere and sense of community will be a comfort to you.

May I receive Holy Communion?

All are welcome. We invite those who are baptized to join us at the Communion table. If you simply wish to have a blessing from the priest, you are also welcome to come forward.

What if I wish to have a baptism, be married, or have a funeral?

The community of St. John’s believes in the hospitality our Lord displayed and taught throughout his life.  The sacraments are gifts of God; therefore, our clergy will perform baptisms, marriages, and funerals for anyone requesting such services – without cost.